
Friday, January 29, 2010

Aged Cherry Burl Bowls

I was fortunate to obtain a small truckload of old Black Cherry burls from the family of a deceased country woodturner. They're bone dry, having been aging for years in his rural barn in Western Massachusetts.
These gorgeous, aged burls have mellowed and darkened in color over the years, taking on a deeper tone than fresh-cut Cherry has. Some have been invaded at various times by powder-post beetles and other insect larvae, leaving them with the scars of those attacks, which adds to their character.

They also typically contain the dark streaks of bark inclusions, some cracks and voids (which I usually fill), maybe a bit of creamy sapwood. But the prize is the mass of birdseyes and the swirling grain lines; that, combined with the mellow color, just begs you to handle these beauties.

These are the finest Cherry burls I've yet had to offer, so if you want one of these bowls, don't wait too long.

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