
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Woodworking Show, New England - Jan 9-11, 2015

  Come see us at the New England Woodworking Show, to be held at the "Big E" fairgrounds, West Springfield, MA. The annual event draws woodworkers of all kinds from around New England and elsewhere.

I'll be joining other members of the Western Mass Woodturners club in our booth there. We'll be promoting woodturning, and doing some turning for you to see. If you're new to turning, or are curious about it, this is a good opportunity to ask all those questions you've thought about. And you're more than welcome to join the club, no matter what your turning skill level may be. We help each other learn more about the craft, and are happy to help newcomers get started. The club holds monthly meetings, which include a live turning demo to learn from.

This national show is a great chance to see woodworking equipment vendors and demonstrators up close and personal, and to go home with some good buys too. There's plenty to see (and buy!).

The show runs Friday 12-6, Saturday 10-6, and Sunday 10-3. I'll be there Friday and Saturday, but the club booth will be manned all three days.

Hope to see you there.

Update, Jan 12, 2015

The show was a success, and we kept three lathes busy for three days. Here are a few photos taken of our booth and members.

Mark Lisowski turns for onlookers
Paul Lajoie at work on a beech bowl
A very determined Dawn Kessel

Bob Beauchesne makes a bowl
Al Czellecz spinning a bud vase
Scott Duncan and onlookers
Bob Labrecque and a blurred bowl
John Wellman at work

A pen being turned by John Spinks

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