
Saturday, July 25, 2015

New Nature/Wildlife Blog

Though this blog began as a place where I could elaborate on projects related to my woodturning activities, it eventually also became a convenient journal for topics that are somewhat related to woodworking and turning (as far as I'm concerned), but not strictly so.

Since I spend a lot of time in the woods exploring and photographing New England forests (especially old growth) and their inhabitants, I like to share information about those subjects and experiences. Realizing that "woods and wildlife" isn't particularly relevant to woodturning, I've decided to start a new, separate blog devoted to that other passion. The new blog is entitled "New England Forests", and can be accessed by clicking that link, or via

There is also a companion Youtube channel with the same name (New England Forests), where I'll be posting videos of wildlife and forests of New England.

I do hope, if interested, you'll take a peek at these two new sites, enjoy them, bookmark them, and leave your comments.

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